Saturday, August 1, 2009

MOM & POPism : A day with friends

If you have been following our blog, you may have recently read that Abztract Featured Artist BILLI KID is curating this great event along with James and Karla Murray named MOM & POPism which is an interpretation of J&K Murray's book titled STORE FRONT: The disappearing face of New York.

Today, Abztract artist Shai Dahan, along with Billi Kid and many other talented artists such as Blanco, Chris (RWK), Cycle, Enamel Kingdom,  Peru Ana Ana Peru, Royce Bannon, Ticky and Under Water Pirates and many others joined together (on what must have been the hottest day in NYC) on one roof at the Gawker Artists Studio.  

Each artist got their own area to paint over one of James and Karla's photos of the NYC Mom & Pop shops from their book.  The prints were near life size and were wheat-pasted beautifully across the rooftop.

It was a fantastic day with some amazing talents gathering on one roof to create, build and explore the beauty in street art and graffiti.

Enjoy some of the images below* (we will have more soon).  We also encourage you to visit the exhibit on the Gawker Artists rooftop during the public opening.  You can view the public invitation by clicking: here

* To respect the artists, we chose to not feature any photos with the artists in them.  Instead we gathered a collection of images featuring their work only.

a tribute to IZ the WIZ as well as a little New Yolk appearance by artist Shai Dahan

a SACE tribute was also given

The art work of artist Shai Dahan (bottom left)

artist Shai Dahan

artwork by Billi Kid

artwork by Blanco

David Cooper

David Cooper

artist duo Peru Ana Ana Peru

RWK (Robots Will Kill) right, Golden Mustache on left

Robots Will Kill


Under Water Pirates