Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SpY : Madrid and beyond

Public Art should (not always necessarily) deliver a message of sort. Wether it makes you think. Makes you more aware of your surrounding or community. Or maybe just to make you smile.

We came across a Madrid artist by the name of SpY today. We spent some time checking out his website and found it absolutely fascinating. Nearly every project in his "Intervention" collections seem to have a purpose and a message. We strongly recommend checking them out.

Below is his bio along with some images grabbed from his site to hopefully convince you to check out the rest we couldn't post.

From the ABOUT section on his site (www.spy.org.es)

SpY is an artist from Madrid. His first actions appeared in the middle eighties. Shortly after, already a national reference as a graffiti artist, he started to work with other forms of artistic communication in the street: large posters, modified billboards, interventions that were experimental in the first nineties.

His work consists in the playful reappropiation of urban elements, that he replicates or transforms and then installs in the street. All his production stems from the observation of the urban environmnet, a sense sharpened by years of experience as a graffiti artist. A careful attention for the context of each piece and a constructive and non-invasive attitude unmistakably characterize his actions.

SpY's pieces want to be a break in the automat-like inertia of the urban dweller. Bits of thought that hide in a corner for whoever wants to let himself be surprised. Full of both irony and a positive sense of humor, they appear to inspire a smile, a thought, to help a conscience a little bit more lucid.

"In the future, everyone has 15 MPGs of fame"